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        <td><a href="student/_notebooks/2023-08-17-html.ipynb">HTML</a></td>
        <td><a href="student/_notebooks/2023-08-17-Datatypes.ipynb">Datatypes</a></td>
        <td><a href="student/_notebooks/2023-08-17-DOM.ipynb">DOM</a></td>
        <td><a href="student/_notebooks/2023-08-17-javascript.ipynb">Javascript</a></td>
        <td><a href="student/_notebooks/2023-08-17-js-debugging.ipynb">Js Debugging</a></td>
Home HTML Datatypes DOM Javascript Js Debugging

A guide to basic concepts in Web Notebook

  • Making a menu
  • Use menu to Guide topics
  • Make your own custom page and menu
  • Making a page dynamic through JavaScript
  • Review usage of Styles in GitHub Pages

How to import this setup into your student repository

  • NOTE: To copy files between repostories, open two vscode windows and you can drag and drop
  • Copy the file _includes/nav_basics.html into the _includes folder of your student repository
  • This creates the navigation between the different pages in the Web Dev Basics
  • Copy the following files from _notebooks into your _notebooks folder
    • 2023-03-28-basics-home.ipynb, 2023-03-28-basics-html.ipynb,2023-03-29-basics-of-js.ipynb, 2023-08-30-basics-of-js-data-types.ipynb, 2023-08-30-basics-js-with-html.ipynb, 2023-09-20-1_4-js-errors.ipynb
  • In the basics homepage (2023-03-28-basics-home.ipynb), you need to make an edit
  • In the top cell, modify the courses to say { compsci: { week: 5 } } (this will move this into your schedule page)

Seeing javascript console output in visual studio

  • When printing outputs from javascript to the console you will need to open the developer console
  • Go to Help->Toggle Developer Tools and click console on the top bar of the developer window